Gifts, Talents,
and Ministries
The church or community of believers, is composed of individuals who have different gifts, abilities, functions, and talents as given by God (I Corinthians 12, Romans 12, Ephesians 4). This is for the purpose of doing the work of Christ in many ways, building up the whole church, and supporting/encouraging one another. There are many ministries, so to speak, and ways of serving the Lord. Love (self giving, proactive, dynamic, agape) is the “glue” that binds all the parts of the “body” together and keeps them working in harmony to do the will of Christ - to be Christ in the world. The Holy Spirit is God’s mark of ownership given to Christians. The Blacksburg church is blessed with an abundance of God given talents and abilities and the fruit of the Spirit is evident in the lives of many. Every member of the body has these gifts and talents in some respect, to be used for the good of all and to glorify Christ. Every member is a minister or servant in some way.