Blacksburg Church of Christ Bulletin for January 12, 2024
Prayer Requests
Xavier, one of our students from Common Ground, was attacked by a pit-bull last Friday requiring a visit to the ER.
Justin Boblitt's Mother was recently diagnosed with a VERY aggressive form of cancer. She is being told she may have only a couple of weeks left, or perhaps a year & a half, if effective treatment is found. Please pray fervently for Justin & his whole family.
The Stipes family is in need of prayers as they face difficult decisions regarding Karen.
Caleb Canode, Dani Higgs' young brother, has made great strides in his battle with cancer.
Stuck at Home, please pray for those who are unable to get out, due to snow.
Harry Dorn is facing challenging health concerns; please be praying for & encouraging this well-loved family.
Coleen Seright, Curt's mom, is scheduled to have knee replacement surgery. Please also be praying for Curt's sister, Carrie, as she faces some important life decisions.
Praise! Several from our congregation are currently engaged-in, & leading, evangelistic Bible studies; please pray for their effective communication of the Gospel.
News & Upcoming Events
1/13- Zoom Prayer Group (open to all) @ Noon
1/13- Leadership Meeting: an open invitation is extended to anyone needing time with our elders &/or ministers. If able, please provide notice in advance; Matt Allen is chairing December's meetings.
1/14 - Common Ground will resume THIS TUESDAY, January 7th, at 4:30 PM. New & additional volunteers are always appreciated & welcome!
1/1- Various Wednesday night Bible studies & children's classes begin at 7 PM
1/18 Baby Shower for Victoria Hinckley @ 10 AM. Please bring brunch items & see Judy to donate towards a group gift.12/23 & 12/30No leadership meetings (due to holidays)
No Wednesday Activities or Devo (due to holidays) on 12/25 & 1/1
1/18 - Baby Shower for Victoria Hinckley @ 10 AM. Please bring brunch items & see Judy to donate towards a group gift.
1/18 - Leadership Retreat & workshop
1/31 Secret Sister Reveal @ 6:30 PM at the Sutphin's home
"The Dangers of Drifting"
As interesting as it may sound, it is somewhat commonplace to hear news stories about people who drift out to sea. Just this year, two such incidents made worldwide headlines. First, a woman in swim ring drifted out to sea while swimming at a Japanese beach. She was rescued some 36 hours later, 50 miles out in the Pacific Ocean, & was lucky to have survived despite the dangers of the sea. Secondly, a Russian man was rescued after drifting in a small inflatable boat in one of the coldest seas in East Asia. Sixty-seven days earlier, he, his brother & nephew, set out on a whale-watching trip only to be left adrift after the boat motor failed. Unfortunately, his brother & nephew did not survive.
Just as these people experienced the life-threatening reality of drifting out to sea, we have the metaphorical warning found in Hebrews 2:1, “Therefore we must give the more earnest heed (pay attention) to the things we have heard, lest we drift away.” Written to Christians, the author cautions believers to beware of slowly, subtly, drifting from the safe shores that are in Christ & becoming separated from God. Many things can be the cause of spiritual drifting. The desire for pleasure, the weariness of life, the familiarity of religious practice, & the influence of society can drag us away from the safe harbor of the Lord. However, spiritual drifting is preventable by paying attention to our position in the faith.
The bible says that we must be diligent to make our calling within the gospel sure & steadfast (Heb. 4:11; 2 Peter 1:10), all-the-while keeping our eye on the shoreline, which is the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 3:14)
Written By: Jay Launius