•PRAISE! We are exceedingly glad to welcome the family of Drew & Ashley Taylor back to our area & back to our church !!! •PRAISE! Our nine students & three adults returned home safely yesterday after enjoying a blessed week at Camp Idlewild. We greatly appreciate Kyle, Victoria, & Brady for all their work with our youth! •Laura Goodman, Ellaine's daughter, suffering from vasculitis. •Diane Sutphin requests your prayers for her brother, Addison Lee, who is in rehab for total weakness in his legs. •VBS - please pray for good participation, both from kids who regularly attend worship here & from kids in the Oak Forest neighborhood. •Gary Batten(Ohio), brother-in-law of Tom & Kaye Gilliam, will have his left kidney removed on August 8th as a result of problems occurring after treatment for prostate cancer •Penny Thompson continues experiencing effects of Lyme's disease. •Blair Brewer, a former member of BCOC, is fundraising & preparing to participate in a pro-life foreign mission trip to Costa Rica (additional information, including how to help, is available on the bulletin board). •ENGAGEMENTS: Madison Allen & her fiancée, Aiden, (from Oklahoma) are engaged to be married in January. Tyler & Kelsey became engaged recently as well. •The Common Ground Ministry Team is in the process of gearing up for another wonderful year of working with kids & families of the Oak Forest trailer park. See Paul or Sandie if you're interested in helping. •Corp of Cadets - Freshmen cadets have begun summer orientation, & our campus ministry is organizing an on-campus welcome back worship service on August 13th. •Please include Tom & Leah Gillie in your regular prayers, as Tom faces ongoing health difficulties. •Students: Please be praying for students as they prepare to return or arrive for the first time) to one of our local college campuses. •SEEKERS: You never know when a visitor might be earnestly seeking after God & His truth (perhaps for the first time). Please keep this in mind as you warmly greet one another & share a word of encouragement.
•PRAISE! We are exceedingly glad to welcome the family of Drew & Ashley Taylor back to our area & back to our church !!! •PRAISE! Our nine students & three adults returned home safely yesterday after enjoying a blessed week at Camp Idlewild. We greatly appreciate Kyle, Victoria, & Brady for all their work with our youth! •Laura Goodman, Ellaine's daughter, suffering from vasculitis. •Diane Sutphin requests your prayers for her brother, Addison Lee, who is in rehab for total weakness in his legs. •VBS - please pray for good participation, both from kids who regularly attend worship here & from kids in the Oak Forest neighborhood. •Gary Batten(Ohio), brother-in-law of Tom & Kaye Gilliam, will have his left kidney removed on August 8th as a result of problems occurring after treatment for prostate cancer •Penny Thompson continues experiencing effects of Lyme's disease. •Blair Brewer, a former member of BCOC, is fundraising & preparing to participate in a pro-life foreign mission trip to Costa Rica (additional information, including how to help, is available on the bulletin board). •ENGAGEMENTS: Madison Allen & her fiancée, Aiden, (from Oklahoma) are engaged to be married in January. Tyler & Kelsey became engaged recently as well. •The Common Ground Ministry Team is in the process of gearing up for another wonderful year of working with kids & families of the Oak Forest trailer park. See Paul or Sandie if you're interested in helping. •Corp of Cadets - Freshmen cadets have begun summer orientation, & our campus ministry is organizing an on-campus welcome back worship service on August 13th. •Please include Tom & Leah Gillie in your regular prayers, as Tom faces ongoing health difficulties. •Students: Please be praying for students as they prepare to return or arrive for the first time) to one of our local college campuses. •SEEKERS: You never know when a visitor might be earnestly seeking after God & His truth (perhaps for the first time). Please keep this in mind as you warmly greet one another & share a word of encouragement.