Church of Christ

“A Passionate Christ-Centered Family Continually Transformed By His Love”

We are joyful to welcome our newest brother, Zachary Dorn, into God's family.

Zachary was baptized into Christ last Wednesday with the assistance of Brady Hinckley.

Please let Zachary know of your excitement for his new life in God's Church.

"the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved" Acts 2:47

BCOC Movies & Media

BCOC Trunk or Treat

Elder Chip Worley -Discusses our roadmap for the future of the Blacksburg Church of Christ.

Community Minister - Curt Seright - Does the Bible try to answer every question we are ever going to have?

Elders Vision Sunday Slide Presentation.

Community Minister - Curt Seright - We are the messengers of God’s invitation

Good News To Share

Bree Martinez - Baptism We rejoice in the Lord with our new sister

Charlotte Hill’s - Baptism: We rejoice in the Lord with our new sister

Kelsey Frazier - Baptism: We rejoice in the Lord with our new sister